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Южноафриканцы как-то несолидно болеют новой напастью, и помирать не желают

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The next Covid variant will be named Omicron to avoid mentioning of Xi

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Измерили контаминацию проб воды на микропластик, и оказалось, что большая часть частиц прилетела с самого корабля.

The team tracked contamination by collecting fibres from every possible source of contamination on the vessel including clothing worn by both the science and boat teams, sail bags and tarps, sail and equipment control lines as well as interior textiles. By doing so, they created a catalogue to which every fibre and fragment found in environmental samples was first compared. If there was a match, that exact source of procedural contamination was noted. If there was not a match, that microparticle was considered pollution.

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Кувшин вина домой несу
Не качаясь, хоть вдоволь отхлебнул.
Наверное, корчмарь — китаец.

(автор неизвестен, пер. Д. Серебряков, взято из "Хайку", М., "Олма-пресс", 2000)

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Такую бумагу выписал Черчиллю его врач для поездки в США. Меня порадовала дозировка

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В Калифорнии профессор криминалистики развлекался разжиганием лесных пожаров.

A college professor accused of starting fires near the Dixie Fire earlier this year has been formally charged with starting four wildfires.

A federal grand jury has returned a five-count indictment against Gary Stephen Maynard, 47, of San Jose, according to Acting U.S. Attorney Phillip A. Talbert. He’s being charged with arson to federal property and setting timber afire,

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Why you should never talk to the police (the law professor's advice)

  1. There is no way it can help.
  2. If you client is guilty - anc even if he is innocent - he may admit his guilt with no benefits in return.
  3. Even if your client is innocent and denied his guilt and mostly tells the truth, he can easily get carried away and tell some little lie or make some little mistake that will hang him.
  4. Even if your client is innocent and always tells the truth, he will always give the police some information that cam be used to help convict him.

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Грачи Пингвины Попугаи прилетели!
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Зачем нужее buy back

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Текст перед картинкой

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Надо бы побольше почитать, как демы и Рузвельт сдали Китай краснюкам

The American press had now turned against the Nationalist regime, describing it as dictatorial, incompetent, corrupt and nepotistic. Newspapers accused it of refusing to fight the Japanese and of indifference towards the Chinese people, especially during the major famine in Honan the year before. The New York Times claimed that support for the Nationalists made America ‘acquiesce in an unenlightened cold-hearted autocratic regime’. Influential writers, such as Theodore White, vilified Chiang Kai-shek and contrasted him unfavourably with the Communists. In that era of New Deal liberalism, many State Department officials agreed.

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Вот так бывает, когда систему здравоохранения выключают на год.

[M]any ERs across the U.S. were often eerily empty in the spring of 2020. Terrified of contracting COVID-19, people who were sick with other things did their best to stay away from hospitals. Visits to emergency departments dropped to half their normal levels, according to the Epic Health Research Network, and didn't fully rebound until the summer of 2021.
Months of treatment delays have exacerbated chronic conditions and worsened symptoms.
"Even though we're seeing the overall volumes come back to normal over the summer here, we see that the more acute conditions still remain higher than the pre-pandemic normals."

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